
-WASD for movement

-E to switch between shooting and mining (shooting doesn't do anything right now) The enemy is also buggy

-Left Mouse Button to shoot and mine in direction of mouse

This is a game that I tried to make for the Butterscotch Shenanijam, and it is almost a game, but I did not have enough time to finish it. I think that next time I need to keep my ideas small, and easy to turn into a game. Like with this one, I thought it would be cool to have procedural cave generation, that I could dig around in, but it ended up not really being a game. At least not without a lot of time and work. I learned a lot doing this though, and am really surprised how far I got using a framework I had never used before! I guess the thing to take away from this jam, is to get that minimum amount of work in there to actually create gameplay! I'd love to get any feedback you've got, and might keep working on it for a little while after the jam!

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